Now-a-days, the emphasis in the timber industries is largely on plantation timbers (secondary species) through proper treatment. Seasoning and Joinery are crucial to processing such species. This fact cannot be overlooked. Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Limited has decided to establish Integrated wood working unit nick named "VANIL UDYOG". VanilUdyog has been established at village Navtad, Taluka-Vansda, Dist. Navsari at the total cost of Rs. 1.66 Crores on 12-11-1979 and started production on experimental basis on 25-09-1981 it started commercial production in 1982.
To facilitate consumers in getting good quality finished products at a reasonable prices.
To help in conservation of timber species by undertaking scientific seasoning & Chemical impregnation treatment.
VanilUdyog manufactures Wooden doors, Window frames & Shutters, Scantlings plank, Furnitures etc. from Valsadi teak wood and superior secondary non-teakwood species.
VanilUdyog has a state-of-art modern Saw Mill, Conventional and Solar Seasoning Plants, Wood Processing Plant, Doors-Windows & Furniture Joinery Unit, Wood Art and finishing sections wherein about 148 Tribal workers are at present engaged under supervision of qualified and experienced Engineers and quality products are manufactured as per the guidelines of Indian Standard Specifications. VanilUdyog has recently received ISO 9001:2001 certificate for its quality management system from RWTUV Germany, Emphasis is laid on conservation of precious teakwood by promoting usages of treated Non-teakwood timber by making it more or less comparable to teakwood. Non-teakwood is upgraded to the level of teakwood and yet reduces the cost by about 40% through chemical treatment and seasoning processes.
Advantages of Vanil Products
Processing Unit
Round Timber procured from the Forest Department is stacked in Timber Yard Section. The same is sent to Saw Mill section for sawing purpose as per the requirement. Sawn timber (converted into sizes) are transferred to chemical treatment and seasoning plant for seasoning process of the same. After treatment and seasoning wooden sizes are sent to Wood Working sections for planning and other required operations/processes where the sawn sizes are converted into semi-finished products. Such-furnished sizes are transferred to furniture and Assembly section for manufacturing the end/finished products. Finished products of ready furniture and door, window frames and shutters etc. are transferred to storage room/godown/dispatch section where entire marketable finished products are kept for dispatch.
To encourage and develop this unit, Government of Gujarat have issued various resolutions as under to all the Government departments/Offices to procure wooden products manufactured by VanilUdyog without inviting tenders/quotations.
Department of Roads and Building, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Resolution No. BDG. 2582/699(3458)N dated 26-9-83, 16-12-99 and 30-9-04
Department of Industries, Mines and Power, SachivalyaGandhinagar Resolution No. Kharada/1087/ch dated 14-9-90 and SPO-1095-2676(97)ch dated 23-9-97
Our main customers are of Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Limited, Public Works department and other Govt. and Semi-Government Departments of the State Government and a host of a public and private institutions.
Procurement of raw material i.e. mainly round timber.
At present we are procuring raw material from Forest Department of South Gujarat products can be transformed into an affordable reality. It's range includes frames and shutters for doors and windows, office furniture, household furniture and other allied wooden articles.
The wonderful wood world of VanilUdyog beckons the discerning users who will not compromise on genuineness and quality while remaining price conscious.
Our Prestigious Customers
Websites Last updated : 25-11-2024