Panam Irrigated Plantation Project is managed by G.S.F.D.C. Ltd. which deals with the tree planting Commercially Important Species on 6194.7 ha. Degraded forest area of 11 Villages of Godhra Taluka and 13 Villages of Shahera Taluka in Panchamahals district From 1st April 1988
The forest area which is spread over above 24 villages has become potentially irrigable after Panam Dam constructed either by means of flow irrigation or by lifting the waters by the Panam Main Canals and its distributaries.
Before 1988, Panam project area was managed by the Territorial Forest division, Godhra. And More Emphasis was given on Plantation of fast growing species and energy plantation were taken. A major attempt at raising irrigated plantations was initiated in 1980 in the Command area of Panam Irrigated Project (Panam Dam) in Panchmahals district by Forest department till 1988, raised in 1481.80 ha plantations.
From 1988 to1990, 1200 ha. plantations were taken by GSFDC in the project area mainly of the eucalyptus hybrid and other spp. like Bamboo, Deshi babul, Subabul, Teak Casuarinas, Khair and Neem were taken in small areas.
After-1990 plantation activities were stopped. And protection and harvesting was being carried out. It has been observed that the standing tree auction system is useful to speed up and systematize felling sequence.
The results obtained were very encouraging but eucalyptus growth as well as its economic viability was found better than the other spps. Hence it was decided to take up eucalyptus plantations extensively to take the maximum production from the area.
Afterwards in 2003-04, clonal eucalyptus plantations were raised in 28 ha and seed- origin in 20 ha were raised. The growth of the clonal eucalyptus plantation was found better owing to its straighter bole, without knots and uniform growth, as compared to the seed origin. So with this result, corporation decided to take up clonal plantations in large scale.
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